Review Best : Basic Coatings-1 Gal. I.F.T. (Intensive Floor Treatment)
You are looking for Basic Coatings-1 Gal. I.F.T. (Intensive Floor Treatment) with help save price? We have specific deals for Basic Coatings-1 Gal. I.F.T. (Intensive Floor Treatment). It is very low price nowadays.
Cheap Price Now! Basic Coatings-1 Gal. I.F.T. (Intensive Floor Treatment) !!!
** Product Details : Basic Coatings-1 Gal. I.F.T. (Intensive Floor Treatment)
- This product is used to remove top coatings such as Robbins Forever II Coat, Bruce's Fresh Finish Bona Kemi's refresher, Tarkett's Crystal Clear Refresher, ground-in dirt, body oils, shoe marks, ball scuffs, spilled beverages and give a real intensive cleaning.
- Intensive Floor Treatment, when used properly, helps to remove the cloudiness/haziness or streaks on your hardwood floor. Please read and follow directions carefully. Instruction sheet is available on our instruction page.
- Dilute 4 parts water to 1 part of IFT.
** Basic Coatings-1 Gal. I.F.T. (Intensive Floor Treatment) - - Review by Christen
I was given Basic Coatings-1 Gal. I.F.T. (Intensive Floor Treatment) - items last week. It been effective exactly as advertised. Good products. User hospitable to the point that I did not need to read through any instructions to operate. Checked the distances with other items and feels to be very exact. Thrilled I made the order. I would bly recommend this unit to you.
Buy Now! Basic Coatings-1 Gal. I.F.T. (Intensive Floor Treatment)